
Hussain Mjalli

Mr. Mjalli has been practicing law for 45 years. He started his career with Mr. Abdul Rahman Khalifa head of the Royal Jordanian Court and Mr. Abdullah Al Rimawi a former minister of Foreign affairs. He became the Chairman of the Jordanian Bar 1970-1975 and became the President of the Arab Lawyers Bar 1974-1984.

Mr. Mjalli was the first Jordanian lawyer to join the International Bar Association and become the first Arab lawyer to become a board member of the International Bar Association. Mr. Mjalli has been elected President of the Jordan Bar Association for five terms.

He is a former member of the Jordanian Parliament 1989-1993 during which he was the chairman of Legal Affairs Committee in the Parliament. He is a former member and lecturer and the Law Faculty at the University of Jordan. He is currently on the Board of the School of Law at the University of Jordan and is a member of the Board of the Law Institute of Jordan and is also a member of the Jordan Law Institute Council. Mr. Mjalli is currently the Chairman of the Arab Forum in Jordan. He is fluent in Arabic and English.

The following is a sample list of clients:

  • The Central Bank of Jordan
  • Phosphate Mining Company of Jordan
  • Union Bank for Savings and Investments
  • The Jordan-Iraq Overland Transportation Company
  • White Cement Factories of Jordan
  • Bristol Hotels
  • Jordan Fisheries
  • Algerian Transports

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